Joe Lupiani Works

Joe Lupiani

Medium: Sculpture

Subjects: Chimeras A mythological creature composed of parts from different animals.

Wikipedia : The term "chimera" has come to describe any mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals, 

to describe anything composed of disparate parts or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling.

Style: Classical forms with modern subjects

Inspirations: Giovanni Bellini, Grinling Gibbons, Sabin Howard

Education: 15 Years working in a fine art bronze foundry

Biography: Joseph Lupiani is an artist born in Rochester NY, of Italian and eastern European descent. Joseph

learned his craft by working in the fine arts industry in Tucson Arizona.

Joseph's admiration of classical sculpture and the expression of drapery and pose are a big influence on

his current work. His intent is to channel these elements in a contemporary way that shows his

craftsmanship and at the same time will bring a smile to the viewer by giving a personality to the block

of wood.